I started by outlining theoretical and general issues such as definitions of "culture," "globalization" and "development" and described challenges facing institutions, companies, communities, and individuals in the present world which is increasingly becoming a global village. I shared examples from different parts of the world.
Then, to illuminate the argument, I dwelt on the challenges that Americans and Africans face when they interact, basing my presentation on my book, Africans and Americans: Embracing Cultural Differences. The workshop participants found the examples striking and, in a way, a wake-up call. Copies of the book were available.
To provoke discussion of the idea of development, I shared with the participants a little article of mine, What is Development? This led to a spirited discussion.
There was much sharing of ideas and perspectives throughout the day, both in the conference room and during breaks. Everyone was inspired and wanted such workshops to be held in the future. That was also my original intention, to do in my own country what I have been doing in the USA for years.

I adore this blog. It is simple, straightforward, enlightening.
I need to chat with you soon regarding your Tanga workshop and other visits recently.
So, speak soon or as they say in the Caribbean "soon come..."
Thanks, Freddy. You and Jeff Msangi inspired and urged me to start blogging, and I greatly appreciate your efforts. Yes we will be in touch.
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