Today I attended a special event in Faribault, Minnesota. Political Science students from St. Olaf College presented research they have been doing under Professor Katherine Tegtmeyer Pak on issues facing immigrants and social service providers in Faribault.
These students had interviewed many individuals, and organizations, from representatives of immigrants, social service providers, religious leaders, law enforcement staff, and public officials. Two of them interviewed me, on the basis of my years of experience with the Faribault Diversity Coalition.
Apart from addressing their questions about challenges facing immigrants and the services available to them, I talked about the dynamics and ethics of field research involving human subjects. I shared with the students my own experience as well as my little paper, "Ethics in Folklore Research," published in Storied Inquiries, pp. 187-188.
It was wonderful to hear their presentations, covering a number of key areas, including the economic, social, cultural, and educational. The students knew what they were talking about, and this became particularly clear when they answered questions about their respective topics.
There are many challenges facing the immigrants, including language and cultural differences. The students highlighted these very well. From the side of social service providers, one of the main challenges is shortage of funds.
These students have gained valuable knowledge of real life issues facing a small town, which is, indeed, a microcosm of the world. I felt they have gained much more than they would have by merely doing research in a library.
I know that they have not only broadened their own horizons, but they have put together information that will be useful for various agencies, refugee organizations, and future researchers.
These students have gained valuable knowledge of real life issues facing a small town, which is, indeed, a microcosm of the world. I felt they have gained much more than they would have by merely doing research in a library.
I know that they have not only broadened their own horizons, but they have put together information that will be useful for various agencies, refugee organizations, and future researchers.
A report on the event appears in the Faribault Daily News.
Thank you for attending, Professor Mbele. I really appreciated you taking time to speak with me at this event and look forward to discussing culture and immigration with you in the future.
Taryn Arbeiter
Thanks, Taryn, for your comment. I think you guys are very lucky to have a learning experience of this kind, which dwells on real-life issues.
Years ago, I decided to involve myself in the world outside the classroom, working with individuals and groups, teaching them and learning from them, precisely because I felt that being in the college classroom and the library is not enough.
I wish you and your colleagues all the best.
Professa Mbele najuwa hii natoka nje ya mada, ila unaonaje siku ukachukuwa Muda wako ukaenda baazi ya majalala makubwa sehemu watoto wanaokuta Vyupa ukawakusanya kujuwa tatizo ni kitu gani ukawapa ushauri wa kusoma au njia za wao kupatia nafasi kwenda kusoma?.
Anonymoua wa Mei 26, mawazo yako ni mazuri. Binafsi, kila ninapokuwa Tanzania naongea na watoto, vijana, na watu wazima kuhusu masuala haya ya elimu. Pia natembelea shule na vyuo, kujionea hali halisi na kubadilishana mawazo na walimu. Huwa nachangia pia vitabu.
Wakati huu ninapoandika, nimekubali jukumu la kusaidia mchakato wa uendelezaji wa Chuo Kikuu cha Njombe, ambacho ni kipya. Kuna vyuo vipya vingine navyo ambavyo nimeombwa nichangie, na nimekubali.
Jukumu la kuwahamasisha hao watoto katika elimu si la mtu mmoja, au la mwalimu au waalimu tu. Wazazi na jamii nzima wanapaswa kuwemo. Na wewe pia inatakiwa uwemo. Sijui hadi wakati huu unashiriki vipi suala hilo.
Katika kitabu cha CHANGAMOTO nimetoa mchango wa mawazo kuhusu namna jamii nzima inavyotakiwa kushiriki katika elimu ya watoto na vijana. Nafahamu, hata hivyo, kuwa wa-Tanzania hawana utamaduni wa kusoma vitabu, labda viwe vya udaku. Kwa hivi najua kuwa niliyoandika hayatasomwa, labda na wachache sana. Lakini mimi sitaacha kuandika.
Sasa turudi kwako. Unatoa mchango gani katika hayo? Na marafiki zako au majirani zako nao wanatoa mchango gani?
Huu ndio mkakati unaohitajika, wa kuwajibika sisi sote, sio kumtegemea mtu moja, halafu wengine wanakaa pembeni na kumpongeza tu, kama ilivyo Tanzania. Huwa napongezwa sana, nami huwa sipendi, kwa sababu hali ya watoto wetu na shule zetu, na ujinga nchini, ni ya kusikitisha. Badala ya kumpongeza mtu, sote tuingie mzigoni tujipe majukumu na kuyatekeleza.
Profesa Mie nikijana wa miaka 25 nimefurahi umenijibu hiko kitabu nitakitafuta mungu akijalia.
Hata mie nipo UK nikipata vitabu nakusanya kupeleka Kijiji hasa Kisarawe ndani ndani huko.. mie pia nitajitahidi vijana kama sie tuwe tunawapa wenetu zawadi kama vitabu na kuwapeleka sehemu ambazo watapata elimu kwa macho mazuri kwenye jamii. kuliko macho yao kuona au kusikia ma Radio na Jamii vitu visivyofaa inasikitisha kuona watoto wanasifiwa Tanzania kwa vitu sivyo kama kucheza kiduku na kuongea ujinga. hata TV zetu hawaoneshi sana mambo ya Elimu. MZ
Anonymous, shukrani kwa taarifa hizi za kuvutia. Kila la heri.
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