"Nyang'au" is built around two characters: a human being and a hyena. Interestingly, if not paradoxically, throughout the drama involving the two, we learn about the hyena's feelings and motivations, but not those of the man. This, I can say, is because the man is oblivious to the presence of the hyena. The fact that we, as witnesses, know everything that is going on affords the action a certain dramatic irony.
As an animal, the hyena carries sinister associations in the cultures of many parts of Africa and elsewhere. From ancient times, the hyena has been featured in paintings, sculpture and other art forms. In his Green Hills of Africa, in which he describes various East African animals, Ernest Hemingway expresses his dislike of the hyena.
Hyena features predominantly as the dupe in the folktales of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Driven by greed, he always lands in deep trouble, on account of either his own stupid decisions or the trickster's intrigues. Haji Gora Haji's "Nyang'au," which we can read as a fable, belongs in a vast, age-old tradition of representation.
1. Fisi alikichakani, mtu kapita haraka
Kwa vile yuko mbiyoni, mkono unakwepuka
Ndipo akatumaini, karibu ya kuanguka
Mate yakimdondoka, kwa tamaa ya mkono
2. Kayanowa yake meno, tayari na kujiweka
Ukidondoka mkono, afike na kuudaka
Ajipatie vinono, ale na kufaidika
Mate yakimdondoka, kwa tamaa ya mkono
3. Kafata huku na kule, hakuwa mwenye kuchoka
Fisi nyuma mtu mbele, endako ajipeleka
Kungoja mkono ule, apate kunufaika
Mate yakimdondoka, kwa tamaa ya mkono
4. Hakujuwa kama vile, mkono kupeperuka
Ndiyo yake maumbile, si kwa kuwa wakwanyuka
Kafatia vile vile, kwa tamaa kumshika
Mate yakimdondoka, kwa tamaa ya mkono
5. Yule anayemfata, anakokwenda kafika
Ndoto aliyoiota, ikakosa uhakika
Mkono hakuupata, bure alihangaika
Majuto yakamfika, hakuupata mkono
The Hyena
1. The hyena was in the bush, when a man hurried past
Speeding as he was, his arm flagged about
Raising the hyena's hopes that soon it would fall off
He kept salivating, hungering for the arm
2. He sharpened his teeth, positioning himself properly
So that when the arm fell off, he should promptly catch it
And enjoy a tasty treat, eating to satisfaction
He kept salivating, hungering for the arm
3. He followed hither and thither, not one to tire of striving
Coming behind with the man ahead, the hyena trailed the man
Waiting for that arm, hoping to feast on it
He kept salivating, hungering for the arm
4. Little did he know, that for the arm to flap about
Was its natural wont, no harbinger of dismemberment
He nevertheless kept following, choking with desire
He kept salivating, hungering for the arm
5. The one he was following, reached his destination
The dream he had been dreaming, ended in uncertainty
The arm he failed to get, in vain had he striven
Deep regrets assailed him, for failing to get the arm.
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