On April, 19, I traveled to Yankton South Dakota, following an invitation from Michael Schumacher, Administator at
A.M.E. Allen Church. He contacted me after reading about
an African storytelling presentation I had made in Red Wing, Minnesota.
Introducing me, he noted, among other things, how my book,
Matengo Falktales, had featured on
My talk centered on the evolution of culture and cultural differences. I talked about Africa as the cradle of the human race, language and story telling and about how the migration of people out of their original home went with the proliferation of cultures and languages.
I used my book,
Africans and Americans: Embracing Cultural Diiferences to illustrate the reality and consequences of cultural differences in the contemporary world. While talking about the evolution of and social functions of story telling, I shared and disccused several proverbs and the tale "The Monster in the Rice Field" found in my Matengo Folktales.

Audience members shared memorable experiences of cultural differences, and one of them said that she was a school teacher and was planning to take a group of students to Tanzania. I was delighted to hear this and grateful that my visit to Yankton had attracted her attention.
At the end of our meeting, people bought the books I had brought along. I am pleased that the teacher will use them as orientation materials for the Tanzania trip and am humbled that the books are now in the AME church library. I am happy about this, given the historic significance of this church.