Monday, February 17, 2025

A Gift From Fair Trade Books, Red Wing, Minnesota

On February 15, 2025, I went to Red Wing, Minnesota, to give a talk at the Red Wing Public Library. My Talk was on African storytelling. After my talk, a friend of mine who attended it took me to a nearby bookstore called Fair Trade Books. She told me she had just attended an author event there before coming to my talk.

We arrived at Fair Trade Books, and my friend introduced me to Rick and Zoe, the owners, who warmly welcomed me. Rick surprised me by saying that they offer a free book to new visitors, and he asked me what book I would like. I was so touched that I was lost for words. Eventually, I mentioned several authors, and I also mentioned folklore.
Rick went to the shelves behind me and came out with a book titled "The Greenblatt Reader," edited by Michael Payne. With much gratitude, I told Rick that I remembered the name of Stephen Greenblatt from my graduate school days at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980-86, in a course on comparative literature.
Rick shared with me the Fair Trade Books motto: "Books make great gifts." I was moved by that motto and told him that it reminded me of Ernest Hemingway's saying, "There is no friend as loyal as a book."
Let me say, finally, that Fair Trade Books had shared, on its Facebook page, the announcement of my Red Wing talk. I look forward to visiting it again, to explore its rich collection, buy some books, or maybe for an author event.

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