Monday, October 23, 2017

2017 Faribault International Festival

On October 7, I participated in the International Faribault Festival. I have attended this anual event a number ot times as an educator, writers, and cultural consultant. This was another significant event that brought together people of different cultures to share their various traditions.

In the photo on the left are two students who led the proceedings in the auditorium, calling upon and introducing music and dance performers.

There were vendors displaying various cultural items, and there were also displays by various organizations. As usual, I displayed my books and other publications as seen in the photo at the bottom of this page. I had conversations with various people.

I also enjoyed talking with members of the Faribault Diversity Coalition, an organization I had worked for as a board member for some years. They are the ones who organize and run the festival. I salute them for their commitment to promoting mutual understanding in the world.


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